(and a giveaway reminder)
We all know what it is like to be crushed by someones words. I think we would all agree that words have power.
Those who read yesterday's post will know that I'm being careful not to call myself a "terrible student" anymore. The reason for this is twofold. One, I watched this video (it's funny):
Two, I heard someone read this:
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
In essence:
Negative Thoughts = Dismal Destiny
Positive Thoughts = Delightful Destiny
You know what? I want to have a Delightful Destiny. I am determined to stop thinking things like "I'm a terrible student" and "I am no good at housework" and "I am such a failure." Instead, I am going to choose to think and say that I am successful, I can care for my house well, that I will succeed. I will enjoy life.

And don't forget that the giveaway closes tonight (Tuesday 5) at 12midnight AEST :) xxx
Joyce Meyers Really Knows How To Read My Mail. Thanks For The Post It Really Made Me LAUGH.