Thursday, January 31, 2008
I'm makin' waffles!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I got my Bachelor of Arts certificate thing in the mail today. Julian was very excited, but I have been hanging out for some books (for uni) that I ordered, so I was a little disappointed. Julian doesn't really get it, but I am sure some of my fellow ladies will understand! We also did a little tiny shopping: we had $42 MAXIMUM to spend because of bills etc... but we did it! I prayed before we went: please let the things we need be on special! Guess what!?! Seven of the sixteen things we bought were on special (the mince was on special AND marked down by more than $3!). In total, we saved an estimated $7.50! Isn't God good!

Monday, January 28, 2008
Homemade Kiwi Fruit Jam & Lemon Butter
Here's a pic of the kiwi fruit jam:
We did 2 batches, the first lot (back 2 jars) was a lot darker than the second one (too much food colouring - Em!), and also didn't fill up the two jars, which I had checked to see if they held the amount the recipe said it would make. Oh well. At least I now know to underestimate by about a cup. We only made one batch of the lemon butter. It tasted delicious. Unfortunately though, there are some little solid lumps of egg through it because it wasn't "stirred constantly". We were dancing instead! Here is the lemon butter (notice the little egg lumps...and Em's lovely handwriting...):
Kiwi Fruit Jam
12 Kiwi fruit, peeled
1/2 tspn citrus pectin (we just used 1/2 tspn jam-setting stuff)
2 Tbspns water
2 Tbspns lemon juice
2 cups sugar
green food colouring
Cut kiwi into eigths, discard seeds and core. Blend or process pectin, water, lemon juice, and 1 Tbspn of the sugar until smooth. Add kiwi fruit, process until they are roughly chopped (not smooth.
Combine kiwi mixture and remaining sugar in a saucepan (it should not be more than 5cm deep). Stir constantly over heat, without boiling, until sugar is dissolved. Bring to the boil, boil rapidly, uncovered, without stirring, for about 10 minutes or until a teaspoon of mixture will jell when tested on a cold saucer.
Tint with food colouring if weirdish green-brown colour is not desired, mix well, wait until bubbles subside and pour into hot sterilised jars. Seal when cold (though we sealed strait away...)
Makes 2 1/2 cups (apparently)
Note: I sterilise the jars by heating them for at least 10min in a 100' (celsius) oven.
Lemon Butter
4 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
2 tspns grated lemon rind
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup water
125g butter, chopped
Combine all ingredients in top half of a double saucepan or in a heatproof bowl. Stir constantly over simmering water until mixture thickly coats the back of a wooden spoon. Pour into hot sterilised jars, seal when cold.
Makes about 3 cups (though this lot only made 1 and a 1/2, but it only ever coated the back of the wooden spoon 'mediumly'. Still absolutely delicious!)
Store in the refrigerator, and use it in four weeks (trust me, it will go! Yummy!)
They are so easy to make! I really recommend them. The lemon butter has a great taste, and the kiwi fruit jam is great for something a bit out of the ordinary. It is sweet, but has a bit of a tang as well. And it's way cheaper and way way healthier than getting the store stuff! (And you get a soft, fluffy feeling of satisfaction...)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Whoopsiedaisy Bread
All this from a blob of dough about this big (wait I minute while I tear a lump off... ahh, here we are):
Happily though, it punched down really well. Here is a pic of it after it was baked:
It browned very well. This photo also - unfortunatley - shows Whoopsiedaisy number Three. I forgot to grease the baking paper. When I cook biscuits I don't grease it, but they obviously have enough butter in them to 'self grease'. Anyway, the paper refused to part from the bread, so we had to cut the crusts off. Lots of fun! And in the end it tasted a bit too yeasty (sooo disappointing), which I think was because of how long it was left to rise.
Oh well! I was going to post the recipe, because it is really simple, but I think I will make it again without any Whoopsiedaisys first, and then, if it is really yummy, I will post it. (My hands are still lovely from all that kneading though. Whoopee!)
All these things I want to tell you!
Hmm... need to start eating better
As part of the changes, I am thinking of changing to soy milk. It is better for Julian (he isn't intolerant as such to lactose, but it does block his sinus' up a bit), and he actually likes the taste. I know it is more expensive, but we don't really use that much milk, just breakfast occasionally, hot drinks and sometimes in cooking. Speaking of cooking, we are having leftover Chicken and Champignon Bake for lunch, though today I was going to spread some seeded mustard, brown sugar and butter on the chicken before putting the whole thing under the grill. Hopefully it will be really yummy!
Friday, January 25, 2008
I made this for tea, and it tasted okay (which was nice)
I like playing with food, and tonight I made up a recipe that I call...
Chicken and Champignon Bake
1 onion, halved and thinly sliced
1kg chicken drumsticks (10 drumsticks)
400g tin champignons
salt and freshly ground black pepper
dried garlic
Spread onion over the base of a greased baking dish. Arrange chicken over the onion. Sprinkle the drumsticks with salt, pepper and dried garlic. pour a little of the juice from the champignons over the chicken and onion. Cut champignons in half and arrange over the chicken. Cover with foil and bake in a mod hot oven (210 celsius) for 45minutes.
*edit* Instead of the s&p and garlic, mix 4tspns brown sugar, 4tspns wholegrain mustard and 60g butter, and spread over chicken. After baking, put under hot grill for 5-10 min. Much nicer!
- Estimated cost: $7
- Preparation time: 5-10min + 45min cooking
- Serves: 4
Here's a pic of it before it was cooked (sorry I forgot to take one afterwards, but it looked pretty much the same except the chicken is whiter):
It tasted okay... I have to go watch my hubby play indoor soccer, so I'll finish writing what I want to tell you when I get back...
Well, I'm back and Julian's team won, 9-3. Yay!! So... I was pretty happy with the chicken dish, though there are some things I would change. It had a nice flavour, but it was a bit too subtle. It might be nicer with a tin of sliced mushrooms in butter, or with seeded mustard spread over the chicken. I served it with corn on the cob, which had been wrapped in bacon coated with seeded mustard, brown sugar and butter, and baked in the oven. Totally delicious. Tomorrow we will be eating the rest of the chicken with a lettuce, tomato and avocado salad with a balsamic vinagrette. (My mouth is already watering.)
If you try cooking it let me know - especially about any changes you make!!
Hey Hey!
- Substitute 'uni' for work training, school, or something else like that (you get the idea...)
- Imagine you went to uni... how would you like to think of your time there???
Well, I have given into the pressure...
Yes, I have created a blog, and in this first post let me draw your attention to the name of my blog: "The Ramblings of a Student Wife". Notice the word "ramblings". That's there because I have no idea what I will be talking about, though I am sure *ahem* it will be interesting!
I just spent about 10min writing the "About Me" bit, so take a squiz if you feel so inclined...