
Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's FINISHED! (plus two snails)

Well hello!

It's gotten back to me that certain people (Beka) are mourning by blogging absence, even though we see each other a lot. As in, the only other person I see more is my husband (who is totally freaked out about how similar we are haha). 

I admit that I have been putting off writing a post, because I feel like there are so many other things I want to say, so this is going to be a sort of summary post. You will, however, have to visit my other *ahem* healthy living blog to see me with a giant box of chocolates.

Okay, let me get you up to speed, from least to most important:

1. I took lots of photos of a cute snail which I was going to blog about, but didn't. Here's one of them:

2. I've added a "Follow me on Pinterest" button on the sidebar. If you're on Pinterest and you like the sort of things I pin, start following me, and I'll follow you in return! I am just a little bit addicted...

3. I've decided not to take part in NaNoWriMo this year. I already have enough going on without trying to write 50,000 words in one month. My author-friend Lissa, however, is taking part, and will be sharing her progress throughout the month (she also has some of her stories available FREE until the end of October!).

4. I've begun a 21 Day Organisation Challenge (thanks to Beka, who's also doing it). I'll post more about it in the next couple of days. If you want to join in feel free; I'm only up to day two.

5. This is the MOST important update of all...

I've finished my degree!!!*^

*so long as I've passed everything!
^if I passed, I'm qualified to teach anywhere in the world!

As you can probably guess, I am over the moon about this! I started going to uni SEVEN years ago with the intention of becoming a primary school teacher, and now here I am on the other side! If you are newer here, you can read about some of the struggles of this journey here.

Incidentally, here's another snail, made in class while completing my Master of Teacher course:

more pics
And there you are, all up to date!

I'll be back soon with a post about the 21 Days Organising Challenge (warning: there will very likely be lots of pictures).


  1. Congrats on graduating! Well done!

    I decided against doing NaNo this year too. I feel a bit like I am missing out on all the excitement though. Maybe I should try the organizational challenge instead. I could certainly use some motivation in that department.

    I have a question for you - how do you get your blog header in the four sections like that? I love the way it looks and would like to do that on my blog.

  2. Hi Kristie!

    Thank you so much! It's great to be finished =)

    I know what you mean about feeling like you're missing out on some of the excitement by not doing NaNo, I feel a little sad that I won't have the time to do it. Join in the 21 day organising challenge! That would be awesome!

    I made my blog header on picnik ( It's an free online photo editor. I just uploaded the four photos I wanted and made a collage, then added in text, then resized it so it was the perfect width for blogger. It's fairly simple.

    I had a look at your blog, and your "Exercise Fail" post was so funny, I really enjoyed it! I've added you to my google reader =)

  3. Haha. I was always in awe of your blog header.... until I discovered picnik! Picnik is so great!!! I love your added words. I have considered adding words to mine, what do you think?

    Nice post ;)The snails are soooooooo cute!!!!

  4. I think it is also worth noting that our profile pics are both taken at meika's birthday party! We are awesome!

  5. YAY! Glad to see a post from you again - whenever I checked in all I got was vertical driveways!
    WELL DONE on your degree! Awesomeness.
    I am also giving Nano a skip this year... there is enough in my mind without that stuff.
    Love the made snail. You can keep the other!

  6. Beka, YES, you should add words, no words makes me sad, and your blog name makes me smile!

    Karen, hello! Thank you :) as you can probably imagine, I am so happy to have completed the degree!

  7. Congratulations on completing your degree. I know that you've worked really hard and been very, very committed. Bravo! You must be thrilled!

  8. inkberryblue - thank you! I am very, very happy!


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