
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Knitting, the Flood and You

I think every Australian and many people from overseas would be aware of the massive flooding that has been happening in Queensland Australia. Last I heard (which was several days ago), fifteen people had lost their lives. The story that leaves me in tears is of the 13 year old boy who insisted that his younger brother be rescued first. The 13 year old lost his life before rescuers could come back for him.

As you might imagine, there have been several funds set up which through which you can donate money. In an effort to raise money, my sister in law, Meika, has set up a raffle. The prize? A handknit (and she's a great knitter!) for your child. All you have to do is donate $5 to the Premier's Flood Relief Appeal, and leave a comment on this blog post with the receipt number of the donation.

The above picture is an example of the top that would be knitted for a little girl. If you have a boy, click through to Meika's blog to see pictures, and to get more information on how to enter. This really is a great fundraiser, and with only two entries so far, you have a good chance of winning!

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