
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Eggwhites Everywhere

The downside to making icecream all the time are the large quantities of eggwhites leftover (and getting fat). There are only so many times I can make meringues before I tire of them.

I will conquer this!

This post is just as much for my benefit as it is for all of you who make recipes that only call for eggyolks. I put out a call on Ravelry for recipes, and did a google search... and was surprised at what turned up.


2. This site has links to over a dozen eggwhite recipes, including cakes, icing, Souffléd Egg White Balls with Red Bean Paste (interesting!), pavlova and more macaroons. And a volcano!

3.  Egg-White Crepes. These sounds like a really yummy and simple dessert or snack to make.

4. Curried Eggwhites
I don't know why I didn't think of this before, having made curried eggs with whole eggs many, many times. Here's the recipe: Scramble your egg whites, put them into a bowl when cooked. Add in some curry powder (Keens in Australia) and mix it through with a fork. (I would probably also add some mayonaisse or margarine). Serve as a sandwich spread.

5. Here is a Swiss Coconut Macaroon recipe:
250 coconut (shredded or ground), 200g sugar, 3 egg whites - beat the egg whites until stiff, mix in coconut and sugar, put make little mounds with 2 teaspoons and put on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 150 deg. C for about 30 until golden
They stay nice and moist in the middle and taste great. If you want to use 4 egg whites, just increase coconut and suger by 1/3 

6. Forgotten cookies!
Preheat oven to 400F (200C)
Beat 4 egg whites, 1 1/3c sugar, splash lemon juice (or cream of tartar) till stiff peaks form. Fold in 1C chocolate chips (you can add nuts or use m&ms). Drop by spoonfulls on parchment lined cookie sheets. Put in oven, turn off oven, leave cookies in overnight (or at least 4 hours).
Delicate, light, delicious cookies. 

7. Conan's Top 10 Egg White Recipes (this is where number 4 comes from)

8. Freeze them! Ice-cube trays are great for this, as you can freeze them seperately.

To finish off, what do you think of this tasty tidbit, told by a person on Ravelry:
"When I was going through culinary school... we were told that some of the best and oldest bakeries in Paris still used egg whites from containers they’d kept in the fridge, or really cold storage, for years."

Is it just me, or does that sound kinda gross?

1 comment:

  1. I will NEVER get tired of meringues. I have to look for something to do with all the egg yolks that arrive in our house.


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