
Saturday, October 2, 2010

The First Giveaway

This Giveaway is now closed.

Giveaway, giveaway (laalaLA laalaLA)!

But not just one, no... one a week!

Why? Well, what you prefer? One person to get one BIG prize, or several people to get smaller (but still totally worth it) prizes? I know which one I'd choose - unless of course I could be sure of winning the BIG prize...

Okay, the first giveaway is...

Yes, my sweet Penninah Pig. This is a picture of my prototype, so you won't get this-exact-one. Instead, you will receive a piggy made with you in mind. 

And she will have at least two dresses... see here for the original post (where you can see her sweet petticoat, too!).

And yes, she is a free pattern, but come on... how many of you would like her, but don't know how to crochet, or don't have time, or don't have the materials handy... this way, you comment, and if your comment is selected (hello random number generator!) she arrives in the mail, all ready to be played with, dressed and undressed, and (of course) admired at great length (she may be a little vain).

But that's not all... there will be some surprises tucked in there too :)

How to Enter

1. Post a comment telling me what you like most about pigs. One comment is enough (if you post multiple, only the first one will be included).

2. Become a follower... let me know in another comment. (Two entries so far!)

3. Let people know! Post on your blog about it, then come back here and write another comment, which includes a link back to your blog. (That's three!)

Please make sure that your comment/s link back to your blog (or include your email - I will never ever give it out or share it with anyone) so I can contact you if you win.

This giveaway is open to everyone, anywhere. It closes on Tuesday the 5th of October at midnight (EST). The winner will be announced this coming Wednesday, the 6th of October.

May a person who adores pigs win!


  1. oh, pigs. i do adore pigs. i like their snouts and their cloven hooves and their curly-q tails and their sweet pale pink babies. this little creation is adorable! if i won it i would read 'if you give a pig a pancake' with my toddler, and this little piggy would be the star of the book. :-)
    thank you!

  2. i now follow with gfc. and i like nutella too. i devoured some today, in fact.
    thank you!

  3. I so love pigs and I would love this litte girl she can sit on my wheel when I am not spinning and guard it!

  4. following on the face book thing too Face book name is Patricia Bishop

  5. The thing I love most about pigs is listening to my 2 year old daughter make pig noises! It was the first animal sound that she mastered and it makes me laugh every time!

  6. What a sweet giveaway! I do adore pigs, it would have to be their cute little snouts and the way they snuffle. I wish we could have a real pig where we are but the council won't allow it :( This would be the next best thing!

  7. I love b.a.c.o.n. Had to spell it out so poor Penninah dosnt run in fear! I now also follow dear Kathy!

  8. We had a pig Waldo he loved fruit and he was very attached to my son Skyler when he would come home from school Waldo would be waiting for him and give him rides on his back it was so cute to watch and my favorite movie is Charlottes Web.
    I just knit a wee tiny pig with a bonnet for a swap but can't crochet a toy pig so would love to win one that would be awesome and my girls 6 & 4 would love to play with her too:)Hugs Darcy
    knottyknitter40 Rav Id

  9. Iam following your blog for a second entry thankyou for having this giveaway so excitted:)Hugs Darcy
    knottyknitter40 Ravelry ID

  10. Pink pigs smell
    Brown pigs stink
    Why anyone would want an extra one...
    I can't even think!

  11. OMG that is adorable! I love piggies. Maybe not necessarily real ones, though seriously some can be so cute. I got to hold a piglet at the fair once and fell in love.

  12. what a cute pig!! Love it

  13. thankyou for following gemmajoy, off to follow ur blog now

  14. She is the cutest!
    My littlies would love playing with her.
    I love piggies. I love how they turn the ground and eat up all the scraps and destroy a lot of the weeds.

  15. I love that pigs are so smart, we once had one as a pet and it would come for walks with you.

  16. Do piggybanks count? I love to collect my change, just so I can go and buy more fabric!
    Happy Blogtober!

  17. I am now a follower. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  18. what do i love about pigs.... bacon, ribs, pork chops.

  19. Pigs are such intriguing animals. I've wanted to have a real one or two for a few years - have yet to convince DH.... Your little Ms Piggy would give me some comfort for now.

  20. Pigs remind me of childhood so that's why I like them. I am entering so maybe I can get my order for free!!! I did know you had this blog but I forget to read it so I will click to follow - whatever that means? Hopefuly it gives you reminders to read it?! I just saw you are trying to write something every day, good luck with that!! :)

  21. Pig may be big and smelly and messy thing but they are cute and pink like a newborn baby
