
Friday, June 11, 2010

Crochet in the Fashion World

Did you see? Tell me, didya, didya?

The Elle Magazine Trend Report: Crochet! Woohoo!

I love these bags:

Only between $978 and $1143 each. 
Cost of materials? Depending on what and where you get it, $30 maximum. Time? Four evenings infront of the tv would probably be sufficient, so about 16 hours? At $20/hour, I would need $320 for my time. So that is a bonus of at least $628. Unfortunately for me, I am not a world famous brandname.

If only I could charge as much as what they are... I'd definitely quit uni if I could make $265 for a pair of earrings that would take an evening to make. I've seen nicer ones on Ravelry.

On a more serious note, hopefully this will help to lift the profile of crochet. The craft truly is an artform - machines cannot replicate it. You know those doilies you by for a couple of dollars? They were made by hand by women who are paid a pittance.

Oh yeah, the cardigan? Fashion disastor, I don't care who wears it.

(Thank you to Hands in Delight for the heads up!)


  1. Actually, I really, really like the underwear! And I agree, the prices (and the exploitation of the sweatshop workers) are genuinely outrageous...but I do love the way that crochet is being promoted too.

  2. My pleasure!

    I wish that I could make that same mark up too...that would be great....Almost $1000 for a few hours of work :). I would quit my job as well and perhaps my hubby would then appreciate my hobby a bit more. I keep explaining that you have to pay for quality yarn ;)...just like those BOSE speakers he wants for Father's Day :).

    And yes, I think the profile of crochet is seriously changing. It is truly an machine crocheting available. People are learning, I HOPE, to appreciate our handiwork. I agree - we are artists.

  3. I love me some handbags but not at that price... that is when my practicality comes in. ;)

  4. Cute bags! I left you a gift on my blog!


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