
Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh Happy Day

Well I am a bit excited right now, because it has been a while since I have received a blog award. Thank you, Erin, for my Happy 101 award!

Now I get to share 10 things that make me happy and 10 blogs that make me happy, then the people I tag get to repeat the process if they want to :)

Things that make me happy:

1. Music. Especially Steven Curtis Chapman and also, at the moment Lincoln Brewster. Unfortunately, one of my Steven Curtis Chapman cd's (my favourite one) is very bady scratched and either has to be repaired before it drives me up the wall or thrown out :(

2. Finishing something, whether it is the cleaning or a crochet project (or even a blogpost) I love that feeling of achievement.

3. Chatting to people over facebook chat! Especially my mum!

4. Cooking a dinner that my husband cannot find any fault with. Not that he is a complainer... just pedantic :S

5. Smiles, laughter, cuddles and 'smileys' too :D :) :* ;P :/ :S :O

6. My husband. Hello!!!!!!! Comment this time, sweetie! Go on the other computer if you have to! (The work computer he usually reads my blog on doesn't allow him to post comments.)

7. Seeing people make the designs I have on Ravelry.

8. Seeing people change and grow and blossom.

9. My three neices. Hello my neices mum! Give them all a cuddle for me!

10. Jesus, he makes me 'smileinsideallthetime' happy :D

Ten blogs that make me happy:

1. Alaskan Purl by Allison
2. Attic24 by Lucy
3. Generation Cedar by Kelly
4. IndieHomeEc by HollyLynne
5. Joli House by Amanda
7. Planet June by June Gilbank
8. Posie Gets Cozy by Alicia
9. The Toby Show by Jonah Lisa
10. Trends and Traditions by Heather
and one extra, because I am happy when she posts, my sister in law's blog, Meika's Little Treasures.

I am looking forward to seeing happy lists!


  1. Awww, thank you for including me on your happy list! You've made me happy today :D

  2. I enjoyed reading your 10.
    I'm new to the blogging world, so when Erin presented me with an award I was shocked. What a darlin' she is!!!
    I've been checking out everyone's responses... how fun is this?
    I must seem like such a "rookie" hey?
    It was great checking in... be blessed!!!

  3. I love Steven Curtis Chapman too. Nice list!

  4. Yay! I'm so happy to have made your day! I really do love your blog - it was on eof the first that I thought of when I chose blogs! Have a great day!

  5. Girls cuddled! Now to write a post!

  6. Thank you for all the lovely comments! Yes Julian, you are included in that thank you!

    Manda, I'm off to check your blog out :)

  7. Kathy,

    Something that makes me happy:

    Knowing my blog makes someone else happy ;-) Thank you!

  8. Glad I could make you happy, Word Warrior!


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