
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February Already!

Hi Bloggees!

As you might have noticed, I have changed the title of this blog from "The Ramblings of a Student Wife" to "A Beautiful Ramble". I've also added a blog description. It is all very exciting!

****If you subscribe to this blog through an RSS feed you will need to update the address of this blog!

In other news, I've got a crochet scarf pattern in the works and I'll be publishing it on here soon. I'm very excited about it and can hardly wait to show you! There is something very special about seeing something you thought of grow and take shape - especially when it turns out well!

Hopefully I will start posting here more frequently again, I do like stopping here. Lately though I have been focusing most of my blogging action on my other blog, the link to which is in the side bar. Check it out! It has lots of photos.

Kathy xx

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I am so sorry that you have to do the comment verification thing - my blog was attacked by the spam monster!