
Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm makin' waffles!

Ahh, I've been a good wife this morning! I made waffles for brekkie!! Waffles with spiced crabapples... one even had icing sugar sprinkled over the top! Julian's a happy chappy today!

Here's a pic:
I found the original recipe for spiced crabapples here. But this is my version

Spiced Crabapples

400-500g crabapples, top and tailed and thickly sliced (remove cores if you want)
1 cup sugar
1tspn each of ground cloves, cinnamon and mixed spice
2 cups water

Stick all the stuff in a saucepand and cook until crabapples are tender (but only just). Serve hot or cold with sweet stuff (like waffles!) or as a sauce for some meat.

Now I know crabapples aren't the most common fruit... I only have some because my neighbour's daughter has a huge crabapple tree, and most of the fruit just goes to waste. If you know me and wouldn't mind getting your hands on some crabapples, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do for you!

And just to keep you updated... Julian and I are actually making some changes: we have switched to soymilk, and have decided that from now on it will be Julian who cooks the pasta meals, as he cooks pasta really well. He made on the other night (just one with a sauce from a jar and some chicken, but it was a really nice sauce and, therefore, a really nice meal). Later on this week he will be making a fettuccine carbonara. I found a really simple and inexpensive recipe for it (in a recipe book that I think might belong to my sister-in-law...), so if it is yummy I will share it with you!

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