
Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Japanese Gardens

On Thursday it was a public holiday (as well as my mum's birthday) and Julian totally shocked me by suggesting that we have a picnic in the Botanical Gardens. 

We arrived at 1:30, aka peak hour, and had to wait for a car to pull out in order to get a car park.

We sat in a most delicious smelling location, right next to a fence draped with wisteria. When we have our own home, we are definitely having wisteria planted in at least half a dozen places, and hanging from the deck rails.

For lunch, we munched on salad rolls and brie cheese, with grapes and chocolate for dessert. 

Julian had a snooze (predictably), and I snuck off to the Japanese garden (just on the other side of the fence we were next to) and had fun taking photos. Here are some of my favourites.

Tomorrow, poppies and orchids. Yay!

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