
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pinch and a Punch

... for the first of the month!

As you can see, blogging is high in my priorities this year. *Ahem*

January passed quicky and smoothly, for the most part. My husband is still limping from hurting his knee about three weeks ago. It appears that his cartilage is damaged, and according to his medical certificate there should be "considerable improvement" in approximately two years. "Rest" is prescribed. Needless to say, I'm being much nicer to him, mostly because when he walks it looks so painful it makes my knees start to ache.

In other (and much nicer) news, my teacher's registration was approved VERY quickly (in less than a third of the time it usually makes) and now I can legally teach primary school in Tasmania. I am extremely happy! Private schools go back on Febuary 9, and public schools on the 15th, so it won't be long until I have relief work.

Looking at my photos, it appears that January has mostly involved taking photos of Bumblebees and flowers... here are some of my favourites.

 Next post, I'm hoping to show you some of the stuff I've made this year... until then!